Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hudson Pageant Today!!

I'm so excited! Our costumes were changed last minute - I'm now Solar Power and my partner is Tidal Energy! It is so appropriate too, b/c my real name is Dawn, (and that's what aubade means too, a poem, song or dance - the last as I like to think of it - performed at or about daybreak). Also my husband surfs, and that is what originally brought us together - our mutual love of the ocean and techno music. :-)

I harvested around 40 adorable radishes this morning and am bringing them to share in a my 3 green moms reuseable baggie. They were purple, magenta, hot pink, maroon and red - so those were the Easter Egg & red globes. (The french white radishes weren't quite ready to harvest yet, they take a little longer)

I also picked a huge vase of chamomile flowers and made that into tea along with some dried lavender. Bringing that in our kleen kanteens. This was the first time I've ever made chamomile tea with fresh flowers, and wow did it come out delicious! I was surprised at just how chamomil-y it was. The tea turns the most beautiful shade of bright spring green!

Well, I better get going - the parade starts at 1pm! Volunteers have to show up by noon (and they still need some if you happen to read this and want to join!) The schedule of events is posted here:

1 comment:

VeggieLadie said...

Have fun! I have been keeping an eye on your blog, wondering how your garden is coming along! It's warming up and things are growing like crazy over here!

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