2013 Garden Plan

BED ONE (large w/ fence)
42 x 94.5 = 3.5' x 7.9' = 27.6' = 27.5'

  • Summer:
    • provider bush beans  (direct seed - june 2)
    • sun gold & brandywine tomato (nursery, june 2)
    • nasturtiums (nursery, june 2)
BED TWO (small w/ fence)
31.5 x 46 = 2.6' x 3.8' = 9.8 sq ' = 10'

  • Summer: 
    • cilantro (nursery start 4/21)
    • dill (nursery start 4/28)
    • gold rush bush beans  (direct seed - june 2)
    • 1 jalapeno  (rutgers starts 5/4)

In front of beds 1 & 2: marigolds (nursery starts 4/28)
Front: Self-seeded calendula & transplanted bergamot from other side of yard, a few more marigolds

BED THREE (small)
31.5 x 47.5 = 2.6' x 3.9' = 10.14 = 10'

  • Spring through fall:
    • strawberries
    • romaine and buttercrunch lettuce (nursery starts 4/21)
    • onions (june 2)

Behind bed three: herbs, borage, chamomile (rutgers starts, 5/4), hollyhock

BED FOUR (large) 58.5 x 126 = 4.9' x 10.5' = 51.45' = 51.5'
  • Summer:
    • 1 paladin pepper (rutgers transplant 5/4)
    • 2 thai long green eggplants (rutgers transplant 5/4)
    • yellow croockneck squash (nursery, june 2)
    • zuchinni (nursery, june 2)
    • italian frying peppers (nursery, june 2)
    • Nufar basil & Mrs. Burn's Lemon Basil (rutgers transplant 5/4)
    • sweet basil (nursery, june 2)

Other side of yard: still has the blackberry bush, grapes and mystic mallow.

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Based on a work at grow-peace.blogspot.com.