There were even tons of them that sprouted out the back of the bed. I want to turn that area into a place where chamomiles and borage can self-seed to their heart's content, so I pulled out all the extra strawberries and gave them to my neighbor. There must have been at least 20 plants. I left just a few in back there, outside of the netting - so at least the birds and squirrels can have a little treat.
You can also see the herb garden in the background. I can't believe how big so many of the herbs are, now in their third season. I'm also quite impressed that a pretty decent sized group of cilanto plants all self-seeded this year. Here's a close up of them:
My Cilantro's gone crazy this year!
I haven't planted any strawberries but I think I'm gonna get some plants from the garden centre. You're so sweet letting the birds and squirrels have their own little plants!
No cilantro for me yet, it's still a month or two away. Have you tried making a pesto with cilantro and other herbs such as the more traditional pesto ingredient - basil? I've even use Swiss chard in a pinch when I didn't have enough cilantro.
Growing strawberries this year too and they are doing so well! No cilantro yet, but it is my absolute favorite herb in the world, so thanks for reminding me to get on it!
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